Monday, April 13, 2009

Ruff Ruff into 2009

I apologize for the delay. I should have kicked myself into writing this earlier. I am going to start off from Dec 11th 2008. Thats the day Srik and I got back from vacation and we went straight to Dirk's house to get Atticus. Dirk told me it was as though Atti knew he was going home that day. He told me he was a little extra hyper and he was just different ! Well, I didnt quite understand it then but as I write this , I am well aware of it and I have had to see it for myself, Atticus just knows, he can hear Srik or me coming even before one of us know. He would run to the door or his ears would sit up atleast about 2-3 minutes before you can actually hear the person come up the stairs. Flash back to Dec 11th again. So there he was, he had grown so much in 3 weeks, he was stockier,(Dirk had mentioned to me he was eating well) and he couldnt stop jumping, it took him an hour to settle down. He was one excited puppy !. I can recall us taking Atticus regularly for walks and making sure he got a lot of exercise since he was growing and it was the best way to channel his energy. This was also the month when I watched Atticus swim. It was completely unplanned. During a walk by the lake, I just walked really close to the boat ramp. I asked Srik to go a little further with Atti and I threw Srik's shoe into the water hoping Atti would fetch it. He did and that's when I watched him swim, He was a natural, so graceful and delightful. Srik did get his shoe back :). We were able to go to the lake only a few times after that since the winter was getting bitter and the water was too cold ,but as if Atti cared. Atti loved the cold. I used to shiver in the mornings while walking him even with my jacket, hat and gloves on, while he walked carefree in his shiny black coat. When the New Year ws approaching, I thought Atti would enjoy the fireworks but I was so worng. On the midnight of Dec 31st , when Atti heard the fireworks he was petrified. He didnt move and refused to budge for about an hour. I was so upset, He refused to come down even though he wanted to go. That was a long night. I swore to myself, I would never enjoy fireworks and they should be banned ! The New Year brought a wee bit of snow to Columbia (which is a rarity) and I took complete advantage. I got Atti to play with it and he sure did enjoy it.( I request people from the lands of heavy snow not to sneer at these snaps. Atti began his 'Intermediate Education' classes in PetSmart with five other dogs. His lessons included heel,sit-stay with distractions,on your bed,stand. To be continued...


  1. Looks like you are enjoying every stage of atticus's growth.

  2. SL, I have never had a dog, or a pet at all...But ur blog is definitely a very interesting read..Makes me feel like having a pup myself
